ࡱ> Root Entry( Jr X6@ MatOST@G6 X6MMMN0t  !"$NDS$t =/8dtT Oh Lord, Hear Our Singing Oh Lord, hear our singing, our praises we're bringing to honour our Saviour, the Prince of Peace. He came to redeem us, we are overjoyous that He came to save us, from sin to release. Our walk now with Jesus, is to us quite precious, yet we still need guidance to walk in His way. We often are tempted, by Satan preempted. So, Lord, grant us Your light, on Your path to stay. Daily with Your Spirit, our own minds inhibit, oh, mold and remake us in likeness of Him. That we with our witness may practise forgiveness to those who offend us, with love make us brim. Adrian Vermeulen-Miller 2{u{o{$  25Qmqqkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk !0Mbz*E_yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Times New Roman =/8=/8d ( JrMicrosoft Works MSWorksWPDoc9qCompObj#U