ࡱ> Root Entry( Jr@1K&L MatOST@1K&L@1K&LMMMN0  !"#$&NDS$ =/8dt,T His Might Why is your heart so filled with fear? Life's trials too severe? Doubts do you assail, you stumble, fall, and fail? Oh, do bear up, for God is good, your present help He 'd be! Rely on Him, for then He would show you His majesty! Are you in a dishearten'd mode? Why not lay down your load? Surely you have heard: take Jesus at His Word! He'll hear your plea and grant you peace, His love is without end! With Him you find such quick release, if you would but relent! Refrain: There are no limits to Jesus' might, He can dispel the darkest night! Expect a miracle when you call Him, for in His presence, all doubts grow dim! Based on a hymn by: N.Claeys - v.Lith English paraphrase: Adrian Vermeulen-Miller ${u{o{$  $'Ojqqkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ! #Dc{'Moyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy  Times New Roman =/8=/8d ( JrMicrosoft Works MSWorksWPDoc9qCompObj%U