Encouraging saints around the world since 1991 !!


Translated into Dutch by 
Johan Komrij,  from the Netherlands

"Here's the promised translation to Dutch.
You know, the introduction of this song always
reminds me of "Blackbird" by the Beatles.
(Johan, from the Netherlands)



[KARAOKE VIDEO - gezongen]


[Midi-karaoke File]
Sequenced by Michael Jester


De Baby van Bethlehem

Vredevorst, Gezalfde, Redder, Heer,
Blijde Boodschap, Christus, Goed Nieuws.
O eeuwige God, in ons midden als mens,
de Baby van Bethlehem, de Baby van Bethlehem.

Emanuel, Almachtige God
Herder, Heerser, Heilige Zoon,
kwam volgens Zijn plan ons verlossen op aard',
de Baby van Bethlehem, de Baby van Bethlehem.

Met eng'len zingen wij samen,
met herders prijzen wij God,
met wijzen Hem eer betonen,
aanbidden we Hem voorgoed!

Het Woord, nu vlees, het levend bewijs,
het enig helder schijnende Licht,
genadig, waarachtig, begrijpen doen wij
de Baby van Bethlehem, de Baby van Bethlehem.

Wonderbare Raadsman, Vader van ons,
de Messias, Koning der Eer,
geen eind zal er zijn in Zijn grootheid en trouw,
de Baby van Bethlehem, de Baby van Bethlehem.

 Met eng'len zingen wij samen,
met herders prijzen wij God,
met wijzen Hem eer betonen,
aanbidden we Hem voorgoed!

 Alfa en Omega, Meester en Vriend,
zonden neemt Hij weg bovendien!
De Schepper, Ontwerper, Begin en het Eind,
de Baby van Bethlehem, de Baby van Bethlehem.

 Alle glorie, eer en zegen en kracht,
wijsheid, sterkte, genade en macht,
verleden en toekomst geheel in Zijn hand,
de Baby van Bethlehem, de Baby van Bethlehem,
de Baby van Bethlehem.


Literal translation (The Baby of Bethlehem):

Prince of Peace, Anointed One, Savior, Lord,
Glad Tiding, Christ, Good News.
Oh everlasting God, in our midst as human being,
The Baby of Bethlehem, the Baby of Bethlehem.

Immanuel, Almighty God,
Shepherd, Ruler, Holy Son,
came according His plan to save us on earth,
The Baby of Bethlehem, the Baby of Bethlehem.

With angels we sing together,
with shepherds we praise God,
give honour/credit to Him with wisemen
we worship Him forever.

The Word, now flesh, the living evidence,
the only clear shinging Light,
gracious, thruthful, we do understand
the Baby of Bethlehem, the Baby of Bethlehem.

 Wonderful Counsellor, Father of us,
the Messiah, King of Honour,
no end there will be in His greatness and faith,
the Baby of Bethlehem, the Baby of Bethlehem.

With angels we sing together,
with shepherds we praise God,
give honour/credit to Him with wisemen
we worship Him forever.

Alpha and Omega, Master and Friend,
He even takes sins away!
The Creator, Designer, Beginning and the End.
The Baby of Bethlehem, the Baby of Bethlehem.

All glory, honor, blessing and strength,
wisdom, power, mercy and might,
past and future completely in His hands,
The Baby of Bethlehem, the Baby of Bethlehem,
the Baby of Bethlehem.



Original English Version: Lyrics, Chords, MP3

Translation Tips

Lyrics to translate (set #1)
Lyrics to translate (set #2)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Dutch Translations Page

Johan's other Karaoke files


Copyright 2002, Ralph Merrifield,
New Hope Music, P.O. Box 1612, Westboro MA 01581 USA

You have our encouragement and permission
to duplicate and share this song for all "not-for-profit" purposes
(ie. corporate worship, overheads, songbooks, 
web sites, give-away copies).
Please contact New Hope for other uses. Thanks !!!


Thank you for your help in sharing this song with
our brothers and sisters in the Netherlands !!!

Ralph Merrifield's E-mail