Encouraging saints around the world since 1991 !!

Translated into Dutch by 
Johan Komrij,  from the Netherlands


[KARAOKE VIDEO - gezongen]


[Midi-karaoke file]
Sequenced by: Bob Sorem



Ingetogen, met toewijding.


 Heer, wat kan ik voor U doen?
'k Ben zonder U zo hulpeloos,
voordat U kwam was ik alleen, zo alleen.
Heer, trek me naar U toe.
Ik weet: Uw Geest die maakt me vrij
van de zonde diep in mij,
heel diep in mij.

U gaf me mijn leven.
Nu, toon me hoe ik dit nieuw leven leef voor U,
hoe en waar dan ook, een gloednieuw leven.
Ik leg mijn leven, in Uw handen,
zachtjes bij U neer.

Hé, waarom komt U nou niet?
Straal Uw genezende kracht in,
ik heb Uw liefde nodig, Heer,
hard nodig, Heer.
Heer, alles kreeg ik van U,
alle steun die 'k nodig had.
Ik zal volgen waar U gaat,
waar U gaat.


God zij dank.
'k Ben van U.

Literal translation of Directions:

Lord, what can I do for You?
I'm so helpless without You,
before you came I was alone, so alone.
Lord, draw me to You.
I know: Your Spirit makes me free
from sin, deep within me,
very deep within me.

You gave me my life.
Now, show me how I live this new life for You,
anyway and anywhere, a brand new life.
I put my life, in Your hands,
gently down with You.

Hey, why don't You come now?
Irradiate Your healing power,
I need Your love, Lord,
desperately need it, Lord.
Lord, I got everything from You,
all the support (comfort) I needed.
I will follow where You go,
where You go.


Thank God. I am Yours.


The original can be found here:


Translation Tips

Lyrics to translate (set #1)
Lyrics to translate (set #2)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Dutch Translations Page

Johan's other Karaoke files


Copyright 1979,  Ralph Merrifield
New Hope Music, PO Box 1612, Westboro MA 01581

You have our encouragement and permission
to duplicate and share this song for all "not-for-profit" purposes
(ie. corporate worship, overheads, songbooks, 
web sites, give-away copies).
Please contact New Hope for other uses. Thanks !!!

Ralph Merrifield's E-mail