Encouraging people around the world since 1991 !!

Our background MIDI is "You Are My Shepherd",
written by Ralph Merrifield,
performed by Adrian V. Miller (from Canada)


Finnish translation by Lea Alaja & Marja Väisänen;
choir arrangement by Marja Väisänen

The "Hospital Choir" of the Greater Grace Church  
in the yard of the war veteran's home (Helsinki, Finland)

We added a second verse to "You Are My Shepherd" saying...  
"He is your Shepherd"...   We go to hospitals and old people´s
homes to sing there and we think it is good to direct the song also to
the listeners so the words come more personal to them.
(Lea, from Finland)


You Are My Shepherd

1. Jeesus, Sä olet mun Paimeneni
Minne mua johdat, mä seuraan.
Kiitos, kun annoit Sä rakkautesi,
neuvot tietäsi kulkemaan

Iankaikkisesti, Herrani,
kuljet minun kanssani.
Hyvyys ja armo mua seuraavat
kaiken elämäni.

2. Jeesus, Hän on sinun Paimenesi.
Minne sua johtaa, niin seuraa.
Kiitos, kun antoi Hän rakkautensa,
neuvoo tietänsä kulkemaan.

Iankaikkisesti, Herrasi,
kulkee sinun kanssasi.
Hyvyys ja armo sua seuraavat
kaiken elämäsi.

........ (music or 1. verse in English)

Kiitos, kun annoit Sä rakkautesi,
neuvot tietäsi kulkemaan,
Jeesus, kanssasi kulkemaan.

Translation from the Finnish words to English by Marja and Lea

1. Jesus, You are my Shepherd.
Wherever you lead me, I will follow.
Thank You for giving Your love,
You teach me the way I should go

Forever, my Lord,
You walk with me.
Goodness and mercy shall follow me
all of my life.

2. Jesus, He is your Shepherd.
Wherever He leads you, just follow.
Thank Him for giving His love,
He teaches you the way you should go.

Forever your Lord,
He walks with you.
Goodness and mercy shall follow you
all of your life.

........ (music or 1. verse in English)

Thank you for giving Your love,
You teach me the way I should go,
to walk with You, Jesus.

English Version: Lyrics, MIDI, MP3, PDF sheet music

Hear this sung by the choir in Finland !!

Other Finnish Translations


Copyright 1992, Ralph Merrifield
New Hope Music, P.O. Box 1612, Westboro MA 01581 USA

Our church choir sang your song "You are my Shepherd" in our evening service tonight. 
We recorded it for you and I´ll send you the mp3 as soon as I get it (in 1-2 weeks).

The song was again one with tonight´s message.  
Here are some thoughts of the message that spoke especially to me:

The sheep hear the Shepherds voice and follow Him.  
We know our Shepherd´s voice, it´s so different from the strangers´ voices.  
It´s full of love, truth, mercy and comfort.  
It´s a wonderful voice and we want to follow Him. 
There´s no one else to whom to go but Jesus, 
because He has the words of eternal life.  (John 10.3-4; John 6:68).

During this fall we have been singing your songs "Taivaat ja maan - Heavens and earth",
"Jokaikisessä tilanteessa - In every single situation",
"Jeesus Sä olet mun Paimeneni - You are my Shepherd" and also Julie´s song
"Lepää sä vaan - Rest in Me" in hospitals.  

These songs are good for hospitals and old people´s homes, because they bring so much joy
and life and comfort as well as the message of God´s unconditional love to those people.
(Lea, from Finland)

Thank you for your help in sharing this song with
our brothers and sisters in Finland !!!

- Ralph Merrifield